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Crathes, Drumoak & Durris
Welcome to the long-standing temporary version of the Crathes, Drumoak & Durris website.  This site (www.durris.net) is currently being rebuilt, thanks to “progress” in IT. The web-authoring software used for this site since 2003 (!) does not work with either Windows 10 or 64-bit computers. Rather than buy the same software all over again, I have decided to move to something more recent.  Inevitably, this means learning the new software (Xara) and recompiling the existing webpages, effectively from scratch. The opportunity will also be taken to update the content - some of which is currently out of date. Some pages are available already.  Others will take a little while.  Apologies for any inconvenience. Please navigate round the site by using any of the black bars at the top of the page. June 2019

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