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Crathes is concentrated just north of the Durris bridge over the Dee, at the junction of the North Deeside Road (A93) and the Stonehaven Road (A957), although a fair proportion of the houses and the primary school are in the countryside to the north of this. Crathes formerly had a garage, a railway station, a Post Office and an Emporium, but these have all been forced into closure - the railway (temporarily!) in the sixties and the other facilities more recently. Just up the Dee lies the Milton of Crathes, where there are a number of well-established businesses, including the Milton of Crathes Brasserie, the Milton Craft and Art Galleries, the Wee BooRACHie and Atholl Countryware. Close by is the Visitor Centre for the Royal Deeside Railway Preservation Society. Just north of the Milton of Crathes are the grounds and beautiful gardens of Crathes Castle - a massive 16th Century tower house, owned by the National Trust for Scotland, who also operate a shop, small museum and tearoom.

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